Analysis for Realtime search: 'Eurovision, Eurovisiongr, Eurovisioncy, DareToDream, AtreveteASoñar, Eurovision2019, ESC2019, EuroSemi1, EuroSemi2, EuroEnsayos15M, EuroEnsayos16M, EuroEnsayos17M, BoicotEurovision2019, ArtwashingApartheid, BoicotAEurovision, BoycottEurovision, OrangeCarpet'

Analyzed period: 16-05-2019 to 19-05-2019 ((GMT+01:00) Madrid time)

Last updated on 05/20/2019 08:15 +0200

1.14M Total tweets
282K Original tweets
289K Contributors
465M Potencial reach
3180M Impressions

Number of daily tweets

1.14M Total tweets
282K Original
17.1K Replies

Number of hourly tweets

2.03K Tweets/minute Maximum 23:04 05/18/19
46.7K Tweets/hour Maximum 21:00 - 22:00, 18-05-2019
2.57K RT/minute Maximum 23:41 05/18/19
85.5K RT/hour Maximum 1:00 - 2:00, 19-05-2019


Users most retweeted

Users most favorited

Users with more potential impressions

Tweets of users with more followers

Gender of the users

Impressions per day

1.14M Posts
289K Contributors
465M Potencial reach
3180M Impressions

Average tweets per user

Average followers per user


Most used hashtags

Most commonly used words

282K Tweets
3.63M Words 12.9 per tweet
Words Ocurrences
eurovision 38998
españa 18662
cancion 16460
año 15288
ver 9718
miki 9636
final 8314
mejor 7648
bien 7028
suecia 6485
pues 6357
madonna 6083
paises 5872
ahora 5843
israel 5798
puntos 5680
vamos 5661
solo 5566
gusta 5499
@mikiot2018 5492
hoy 5422
suiza 5367
actuacion 5172
malta 5164
italia 4873
islandia 4838
australia 4699
noruega 4630
años 4550
parece 4514
ser 4490
asi 4457
festival 4448
venda 4401
mal 4303
mierda 4295
san 4294
viene 4271
noche 4269
bueno 4230
marino 4185
menos 4153
hace 4093
siempre 4052
europa 4046
rusia 4038
ganar 4030
vez 3927
puesto 3828
dinamarca 3794

Tweet categorization

282K Original
162K 57.5% Categorized
120K 42.5% Non categorized
Category Tweets Pct
positivo 92118 32.7
negativo 60341 21.4
espana 30894 11.0
madonna 6096 2.2
islandia 5273 1.9
italia 5258 1.9
israel 4875 1.7
suecia 4389 1.6
australia 4277 1.5
sanmarino 4157 1.5
francia 3589 1.3
noruega 3571 1.3
paisesbajos 3395 1.2
rusia 3196 1.1
suiza 2996 1.1
macedonia 2626 0.9
chipre 2606 0.9
dinamarca 2378 0.8
alemania 2353 0.8
malta 2318 0.8
bielorrusia 2160 0.8
albania 1622 0.6
grecia 1519 0.5
reoublicacheca 1515 0.5
estonia 1489 0.5
eslovenia 1393 0.5
uk 1174 0.4
serbia 844 0.3
azerbaiyan 810 0.3
tonyaguilar 288 0.1
nievesalvarez 114 0.0
(none) 119926 42.5

Tweet categorization per day/week

Tweet countries

Tweet regions

282K Original
7.71K 2.7% Categorized

Tweet cities

282K Original
8.19K 2.9% Categorized

Daily engagement

1.96M Favorites
289K Contributors
465M Potencial reach
3180M Impressions

Tweets with more retweets

Tweets most favorited

Tweets including photo/video with more retweets

Tweets con vídeo con más retweets

Type of tweets

265K Original, no reply
21.4K Tweets with photos
3.79K Tweets with videos
9.72K Tweets with GIFs
45.9K Tweets with links


Application used to tweet

Tweets per day of the week

Tweets per hour

Best day to post

jueves 1.0 RT/Tweet
3.0 Favs/Tweet
sábado 2.6 RT/Tweet
6.5 Favs/Tweet
domingo 3.3 RT/Tweet
9.3 Favs/Tweet

Best hour to post

10:00-11:00 4.7 RT/Tweet
13.0 Favs/Tweet
13:00-14:00 3.5 RT/Tweet
9.9 Favs/Tweet
21:00-22:00 2.0 RT/Tweet
4.9 Favs/Tweet

Best day and time to post

jueves: 10:00-12:00 5.1 RT/Tweet
12.8 Favs/Tweet
jueves: 12:00-14:00 2.0 RT/Tweet
8.8 Favs/Tweet
jueves: 14:00-16:00 2.4 RT/Tweet
6.7 Favs/Tweet
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