Analysis for Twitter search 'Hashtags varios de #OT'

Analyzed period: 05-02-2018 to 06-02-2018 ((GMT+01:00) Madrid time)

Last updated on 02/07/2018 14:26 +0100

883K Total tweets

235K Original tweets

129K Contributors

202M Potencial reach

1720M Impressions

Number of daily tweets

883K Total tweets

235K Original


4.83K Replies

Number of hourly tweets

1.84K Tweets/minute Maximum 00:44 02/06/18

45.4K Tweets/hour Maximum 0:00 - 1:00, 06-02-2018

2.05K RT/minute Maximum 00:12 02/06/18

99.7K RT/hour Maximum 1:00 - 2:00, 06-02-2018


Users most retweeted

Users most favorited

Users with more potential impressions

Tweets of users with more followers
Gender of the users
Impressions per day

883K Posts

129K Contributors

202M Potencial reach

1720M Impressions

Average tweets per user
Average followers per user
Most used hashtags

235K Tweets

234K Hashtags 1.0 per tweet

5057 Unique hashtags

Most commonly used words

235K Tweets

3.23M Words 13.7 per tweet

213K Unique words

Words Ocurrences
amaia 29867
aitana 27017
miriam 19145
alfred 16680
ana 12564
gracias 11238
final 11081
ganadora 11043
gala 8628
quiero 7676
hoy 7535
ver 7445
ahora 7018
ser 6481
voy 6322
españa 5896
mejor 5605
tan 5571
llorando 5438
siempre 4993
vida 4983
verdad 4926
solo 4842
madre 4767
noche 4663
ganar 4641
favor 4547
gane 4487
bisbal 4369
bien 4295
dios 4190
asi 4090
pues 4089
mañana 4029
puedo 3938
puede 3919
mia 3815
llorar 3749
actuacion 3740
acaba 3736
war 3641
menos 3623
hecho 3539
hacer 3538
vez 3465
cancion 3439
vamos 3394
programa 3359
dia 3329
edicion 3328
musica 3260
Tweet categorization

235K Original

126K 53.5% Categorized

109K 46.5% Non categorized

Tweet categorization per day/week
Tweet countries
Tweet regions

235K Original

8.18K 3.5% Categorized

Tweet cities

235K Original

8.47K 3.6% Categorized

Daily engagement


1.83M Favorites

129K Contributors

202M Potencial reach

1720M Impressions

Tweets with more retweets
Tweets most favorited
Tweets including photo/video with more retweets
Tweets con vídeo con más retweets
Type of tweets

230K Original, no reply


15.5K Tweets with photos

12.3K Tweets with videos

54.6K Tweets with links

4.83K Replies

Application used to tweet
Tweets per day of the week
Tweets per hour
Best day to post
Tuesday 3.2 RT/Tweet
7.4 Favs/Tweet
Monday 3.6 RT/Tweet
8.2 Favs/Tweet
Best hour to post
2:00-3:00 4.0 RT/Tweet
9.8 Favs/Tweet
10:00-11:00 6.5 RT/Tweet
17.3 Favs/Tweet
3:00-4:00 2.2 RT/Tweet
5.3 Favs/Tweet
Best day and time to post
Tuesday: 2:00-4:00 3.8 RT/Tweet
9.4 Favs/Tweet
Monday: 10:00-12:00 8.9 RT/Tweet
24.7 Favs/Tweet
Monday: 14:00-16:00 8.2 RT/Tweet
19.2 Favs/Tweet
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