Analysis for Twitter search 'MadCool2019 OR MadCool OR MC19WelcomeParty OR MadCoolWelcomeParty'

Analyzed period: 09-07-2019 to 14-07-2019 ((GMT+01:00) Madrid time)

Last updated on 07/19/2019 12:53 +0200

9.75K Total tweets
4.31K Original tweets
6.1K Contributors
82M Potencial reach
243M Impressions

Number of daily tweets

9.75K Total tweets
4.31K Original
577 Replies

Number of hourly tweets

23 Tweets/minute Maximum 14:15 07/14/19
119 Tweets/hour Maximum 0:00 - 1:00, 14-07-2019
8 RT/minute Maximum 14:17 07/14/19
167 RT/hour Maximum 15:00 - 16:00, 14-07-2019


Users most favorited

Users with more potential impressions

Tweets of users with more followers

Gender of the users

Impressions per day

9.75K Posts
6.1K Contributors
82M Potencial reach
243M Impressions

Average tweets per user

Average followers per user


Most commonly used words

4.31K Tweets
76.9K Words 17.9 per tweet
Words Ocurrences
madcool 1503
@madcoolfestival 747
festival 442
cool 359
mad 352
rosalia 276
ver 227
hoy 216
madrid 215
concierto 194
año 192
ayer 172
cure 172
@rosaliavt 153
dia 147
gracias 136
mejor 119
gente 104
musica 101
aqui 95
bien 93
smashing 91
pues 89
mañana 87
pop 84
ahora 83
viendo 83
directo 82
casa 81
hace 80
noche 79
asi 77
iggy 77
pumpkins 76
van 76
solo 75
@thecure 74
voy 74
años 73
dias 73
@madrid 68
smith 65
dos 64
estan 63
tambien 63
vez 63
ser 62
entrada 60
robert 59
@policiademadrid 57

Tweet countries

Tweet regions

4.31K Original
303 7.0% Categorized

Tweet cities

4.31K Original
295 6.9% Categorized

Daily engagement

36.2K Favorites
6.1K Contributors
82M Potencial reach
243M Impressions

Tweets with more retweets

Tweets most favorited

Tweets including photo/video with more retweets

Tweets con vídeo con más retweets

Type of tweets

3.73K Original, no reply
1.16K Tweets with photos
343 Tweets with videos
85 Tweets with GIFs
1.3K Tweets with links


Application used to tweet

Tweets per day of the week

Tweets per hour

Best day to post

domingo 3.6 RT/Tweet
11.1 Favs/Tweet
miércoles 1.6 RT/Tweet
8.7 Favs/Tweet
viernes 1.4 RT/Tweet
8.4 Favs/Tweet

Best hour to post

1:00-2:00 11.3 RT/Tweet
28.1 Favs/Tweet
23:00-24:00 2.6 RT/Tweet
16.9 Favs/Tweet
2:00-3:00 1.9 RT/Tweet
10.3 Favs/Tweet

Best day and time to post

domingo: 0:00-2:00 11.7 RT/Tweet
29.9 Favs/Tweet
miércoles: 22:00-24:00 3.6 RT/Tweet
19.9 Favs/Tweet
viernes: 4:00-6:00 2.4 RT/Tweet
16.4 Favs/Tweet
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